** CONCLUSION ** Well, thats it! The Anarchist CookBook IV, release version 4.14. It has taken a little over a year to compile all these files from dozens of anarchy books and filez. I even gave up my board, The Black Gate, and my modeming to compile this offline. There have been several release versions that were never really released into the public. It seemed everytime I was ready to release it, I got more stuff to put in it. I finally stopped changing ver. ## and left it at 4.14, in memory and salute of the 414's, who until they were caught, were the BEST HaCkinG and PhreAKiNg group out there. My hat goes off to the Jolly Roger for his inspiration, and to the editors of The Big Book Of Mischief, without whom there would be no references. The release date of The Anarchist CookBook IV is June, 1994. Well, now that I'm done, my board will go back up, and I will begin the distribution. But for those who are impatient for it to get to them, it is available straight off The Black Gate BBS. Until then, Thanx for your dedication to the HaCkiNG and PhrEaKIng world. Exodus and The Black Gate BBS are available to the Tri-State area, and I will be calling boards in the North Jersey area ONLY. If you can't get in touch with me at my board, call around the 201 exchange. I should be around a board or two. L8r.. and Thanx for the Support! --==>>( Exodus )<<==-- Sysop of The Black Gate BBS ThE BesT iN EliTe MaiL